Exodus 12:29-13:22 "Don't Forget, REMEMBER!"

After every idol of Egypt has been mocked, Pharaoh relents, but does not repent. Now, 430 years to the day, the people of Israel are released from captivity in Egypt. No matter what we are going through, at the appointed time, this too shall pass. God wants the Israelites, and us, to remember. Why? Because we forget. Keeping in mind that Egypt has always been a reference to the world, here are 5 key take away points.

  1. I am the Lord who delivered you out of Egypt

  2. You are My people

  3. Egypt is not your home

  4. I made a way out of no way

  5. Follow me

Don’t forget, remember. God will not always direct our steps in the shortest way. But the best way, is God’s way. Vertical vision. Let us all be fixed on God’s way.

Accept today God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Seek Him while He can still be found. If you have questions or need someone to talk to, contact us.

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God bless your journey.
